Mastering LTV: Data Analytics and Attribution

Mastering the LTV Game: Success with the Dynamic Duo of Data Analytics and Attribution

Sue Azari, an E-commerce industry consultant at AppsFlyer, discusses various strategic touchpoints to elevate user experience within the mobile commerce sector.

Mastering the LTV Game: Success with the Dynamic Duo of Data Analytics and AttributionPlanning early for peak season campaigns like White Friday and utilizing remarketing strategies can further enhance user acquisition and engagement. It’s not just a wise opinion but an important takeaway from a recent ecommerce report by AppsFlyer. 

“Organize user acquisition campaigns ahead of White Friday and Single’s Day to benefit from the more affordable costs during this timeframe, and use remarketing strategies to guide users to the app via paid and owned media channels,” said Sue Azari, ecommerce industry consultant, AppsFlyer. Martechvibe spoke to her about the growth of mobile commerce despite the inflation and the consequential strategic shift in the mobile industry.

The conversation was necessary due to the increased mobile usage in the last few years. Moreover, the increasing availability of diverse products and services has compelled brands to prioritize mobile commerce. This shift has enabled users to conveniently access and purchase items on the go, putting the power of shopping at their fingertips whenever needed.

In response to the rise of mobile commerce, ecommerce mobile apps provide users with an enhanced shopping experience by incorporating intuitive interfaces, personalized recommendations, and seamless navigation. As a result, the overall process of shopping becomes more streamlined and enjoyable for users. However, ad fraud remains a challenge, and effective measures are being taken to combat it. 

Here are four learnings from Azari.

The rise of fingertips engagement

The pandemic-accelerated rise of mobile, coupled with more products and services ever available, demand from shoppers has driven brands to emphasize mobile commerce, on-the-go and customer engagement at the user’s fingertips whenever the need to buy arises. 

“This enhanced usability has increased customer engagement and longer session durations. Mobile apps have also facilitated greater convenience and accessibility for customers. With features like saved payment information, one-click ordering, in-store navigation, and push notifications, apps have made it easier for customers to discover products, track orders, and receive personalized offers,” said Azari.

Fighting ad fraud

Digital advertising is less exciting for customers than it is for mobile ad marketing fraudsters. Over the years, multi-billion dollars have been invested in digital advertising, and cases of ad fraud and scams are sporadically on the rise and dynamic. Nevertheless, several platforms and tools are being developed to keep fraud at bay.

For instance, Appsflyer claims to keep app marketers ahead of every threat and their marketing budget safe through a real-time, multi-layered approach that includes cluster analysis, personalized validation rules, in-app fraud rules, and post-attribution fraud detection. 

“Fraudsters attack budgets in the ecommerce sector using the same methods as in other industries, and the larger the budgets, the more interesting they are for attacks. We observe that ecommerce players are predominantly focusing on payment fraud – and neglecting ad fraud as a threat,” added Azari.

Data Analytics & Attribution Duo

Connecting the dots between these different touchpoints and ensuring you’ve linked the right data to your app — can be a real challenge,” said Azari.  

A shopping consumer’s journey frequently involves multiple devices, platforms, and channels, encompassing both online and offline ad exposure and various touchpoints. For example, a single purchase may begin in a physical store, followed by further research on the web, and eventually result in a purchase made through a mobile app. This illustrates how consumers navigate different stages and channels during their shopping process.

“Working with an effective attribution and measurement provider can help bridge the gap to significantly improve the user experience, attribute marketing’s contribution, and ultimately increase your LTV. By measuring performance, analyzing user behavior, employing attribution modeling, conducting A/B testing, and personalizing marketing efforts, businesses can make data-driven decisions to enhance user experiences, drive growth, and achieve their business goals in the competitive mobile app landscape.”

Finally, here’s a strategic tip.

To improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, prioritize enhancing the user experience at every touchpoint, ranging from the app store to the checkout process. By doing so, you can improve conversion rates, encouraging more users to complete purchases and retention rates and ensuring that customers continue to engage with your brand over time.

“Leverage the power of data analytics and attribution to measure and analyze key metrics, such as customer acquisition costs, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value. This data-driven approach will enable you to identify areas for improvement, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions. Also embrace a diversified mix of marketing channels, and don’t be afraid to test new creatives or new channels,” said Azari.