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Why Advertisers Can’t Reach Audiences Through Major Media Channels

Why Advertisers Can’t Reach Audiences Through Major Media Channels

Today, with various adtech intermediaries involved within the programmatic supply chain, its efficiencies have been gravely reduced. Does an alternative solution exist? Google’s complete annihilation...
5 Innovative Holiday Marketing Campaigns of 2023

5 Innovative Holiday Marketing Campaigns of 2023

Around 30% of consumers will shop for gifts this holiday season year-round by 2026, encouraging brands to plan innovative holiday marketing campaigns. As an outcome, they extract valuable insights from customer data to shape their marketing objectives.
Year Ender Decoding the Martech Landscape in 2023 Insights from Scott Brinker and Frans Riemersma

Taming Martech in 2023: Insights from Brinker and Riemersma

In the new Martech for 2024 report, Scott Brinker, Editor of the chiefmartec blog and Frans Riemersma, Founder of MartechTribe, explore various themes, such...
Exploring the Impact of Mental Health and Employee Experience on Customer Experience

Exploring the Impact of Mental Health and Employee Experience on Customer...

Employee mental health and well-being transcend internal concerns; they are strategic imperatives with direct repercussions on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and, notably, revenue. In an...
Does The EU AI Act Pose A Threat to The Tech and Business Landscapes?

Does the EU AI Act Pose a Threat to the Tech...

The EU AI Act is poised to impact the utilization of specific AI tools by enterprise businesses, particularly those employed in decision-making processes. 62% of...
Why Attention Metrics Matter in 2024

Why Attention Metrics Matter in 2024

What is the significance of attention metrics in digital advertising? Benjamin Arnold, Adludio's North American president, emphasizes real engagement measurement. Explore challenges, IAB Attention Council Task Force initiatives, and the call for a standardized attention metric. Optimize your strategy for 2024 success.
Top Contact Center Experts Shaping the Future of Customer Service in the US

Top US Contact Center Experts Reshaping Customer Service

Explore the expertise of the top 15 contact center leaders in the US, as they navigate the dynamic landscape, blending technology and strategic consulting...
When Supermarkets Turn Super-Tech Savvy

When Supermarkets Turn Super-Tech Savvy

Grocery stores are having a moment. Leading brands are focusing on blending virtual experiences through contactless payments, smart shopping carts that make recommendations, and...
You Need To Get Personal. How Else Can You Increase Loyalty?

You Need To Get Personal. How Else Can You Increase Loyalty?

It’s a no-brainer that marketers need to focus on products and promos that personalize for better loyalty. So, why are some digital marketing leaders still struggling?
You Need To Unlock Gen AI’s Full Potential For Business Growth

You Need To Unlock GenAI’s Full Potential For Business Growth

Forrester's recent report insights reveal the pivotal role of Gen AI, from reshaping interactions to offering a roadmap for sustained competitive advantage. Growth strategies that...