Why Customer Experience, Onboarding, and Design Aren’t the Keys to B2B Growth

B2B Growth: Beyond CX, Onboarding, and Design

Discover how effective onboarding can drive B2B success, boosting adoption, retention, and revenue. Learn from real-world examples and expert insights.


In the competitive landscape of B2B software and services, effective onboarding and design are crucial elements for achieving successful adoption and enhanced customer experience. You may have noticed the provocative title—”The Hidden Truth: Why Customer Experience, Tech Onboarding, and Design Aren’t the Keys to B2B Growth.” I chose this title to highlight the often-overlooked complexities and the true value these elements bring to B2B success and CX. Despite the misleading suggestion (my apologies for the bait), this article will delve into how combining design, effective onboarding, and exceptional customer experience truly form the backbone of a successful B2B growth engine.

We helped to enhance the design and CX of two lines of B2B products at Samsung last year, specifically in the Samsung SDS and SDN products. Based on this experience and by reading the excellent book “Product-Led Onboarding” by Ramli John, we concluded that onboarding programs and even customer success divisions would not be necessary if companies could design the user experience, products, and services surrounded by an exceptional customer experience and great onboarding strategies in a much more intuitive and clear way for all kinds of mental models. As this is still a utopic desire, let us dive into our reality, and I hope you will find value in this new article for your company.

In the competitive landscape of B2B software and services, effective onboarding is crucial for achieving successful adoption and customer experience. The impact of a well-designed onboarding process extends beyond the product’s initial introduction, significantly influencing key business metrics such as adoption rate, customer retention, loyalty, and revenue growth. This article explores the profound benefits of a comprehensive onboarding strategy and its essential role in fostering a positive customer experience, which drives business success.

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Despite the advancements in technology, many companies still struggle to design products that are intuitive and easy to understand. This lack of clarity necessitates the development of robust onboarding programs and the creation of customer success divisions to bridge the gap. Ideally, investing in better design from the outset could reduce the need for these additional resources, but the reality is that onboarding remains essential. Effective onboarding helps users quickly grasp the value of a product’s ROI, compensating for design shortcomings and ensuring a smooth transition into regular use.

Enhancing First Impressions

The first interaction with a product sets the tone for the entire customer relationship. An effective onboarding process helps create a strong first impression by ensuring new users understand the product’s value quickly and effortlessly. This involves clear communication of benefits, user-friendly interfaces, and personalized experiences that cater to each client’s unique needs. For instance, providing tailored walkthroughs and quick-start guides can make users feel supported and valued. The initial phase should also include a welcome message that introduces the company and highlights the product’s key features and benefits. Video tutorials and interactive demos can also be instrumental in showcasing the product’s value proposition.

Driving Adoption Rates

Onboarding is pivotal in driving adoption rates of B2B products. When users are guided through the product’s core features and functionalities, they are more likely to integrate it into their daily workflows. Offering interactive demos, detailed documentation, and hands-on training sessions can significantly boost the likelihood of users fully adopting the product. Regular webinars and Q&A sessions can also address common questions and provide deeper insights into advanced functionalities. It’s also beneficial to segment users based on their roles and provide role-specific training and resources, ensuring that each user group can maximize the product’s potential in their specific context.

Boosting Retention

It is not enough to acquire a new technology or to sell it. Retention rates directly measure how well a product meets user expectations and needs. Effective onboarding ensures users have the knowledge and skills to use the product effectively, reducing frustration and preventing churn. Continuous engagement through follow-up training, regular check-ins, and proactive support can keep users engaged and satisfied. Creating a feedback loop where users can share their experiences and suggestions for improvement can also be valuable. Implementing in-app messaging and notifications to guide users through new features and updates helps maintain their interest and engagement over time.

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Building Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty stems from consistent positive experiences with a product or service and in each interaction with your organization. A well-executed onboarding process contributes to this by providing ongoing value and support. When customers feel confident and competent in using a product, they are more likely to develop loyalty towards the brand. Loyalty programs that reward frequent users and those who advocate for the product can further enhance customer loyalty. Additionally, providing exclusive access to new features or beta programs for loyal customers can make them feel valued and appreciated, further strengthening their commitment to the product.

Generating Revenue

Revenue generation is intrinsically linked to the effectiveness of the onboarding process. Companies can drive upsells and cross-sells by ensuring customers quickly realize the product’s value. Happy and successful customers are more likely to provide referrals, contributing to organic growth. Implementing a tiered onboarding process where premium customers receive additional support and resources can also encourage upgrades. Personalized recommendations for additional products or services based on user behavior and needs can drive further revenue. Monitoring key usage metrics to identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling at the right moments is crucial for maximizing revenue potential.

Increasing ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) is a critical metric for subscription-based B2B companies. Effective onboarding can boost ARR by minimizing churn and encouraging customers to upgrade their subscriptions. Companies can secure long-term commitments from their customers by continuously demonstrating value and providing exceptional support. Offering long-term contract incentives and regular updates on new features and improvements can also encourage customers to stick with the product. Additionally, implementing a robust renewal process with timely reminders and personalized offers can help retain customers and increase ARR.

Ensuring Customer Success

Customer success is a core objective of any onboarding strategy. Companies can foster a sense of achievement and satisfaction by equipping users with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve their goals. This involves not only initial training but also ongoing support and education. A dedicated customer success manager who can offer personalized assistance and monitor customer progress can be highly effective and ensure renewals. Regularly scheduled check-ins to discuss progress, address challenges, and provide additional resources can ensure that customers continue to find value in the product. Creating a customer success community where users can share their experiences and learn from each other can contribute to overall success.

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Streamlining User Experience

A seamless user experience is essential for the success of any onboarding process. This includes designing intuitive interfaces, minimizing friction points, and providing clear, concise instructions. A positive user experience encourages continued use and satisfaction, increasing retention and loyalty. Conducting usability testing and gathering user feedback during the onboarding process can help identify areas for improvement. Ensuring the onboarding process is mobile-friendly and accessible across different devices is also crucial in today’s digital landscape. Providing a self-service portal where users can find answers to common questions and access resources on their terms can further enhance the user experience. Additionally, offering methods and tools to support individual learning paths is important, as each person learns distinctly.

Leveraging Data and Feedback

Continuous improvement of the onboarding process is driven by leveraging data and user feedback. By analyzing user interactions and gathering feedback, companies can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to help customers adopt the entire solution instead of just parts of it. Utilizing analytics tools to track key metrics such as time to first value, feature adoption rates, and user engagement can provide valuable insights. Regular surveys and user interviews can also help understand user needs and preferences. Creating a culture of continuous improvement, where feedback is actively sought and acted upon, can lead to a more effective onboarding process over time.

Case Studies from Leading B2B Companies


  • SAP: SAP has implemented a comprehensive onboarding process that includes personalized training and ongoing support, resulting in higher adoption rates and customer satisfaction. Their approach involves segmenting customers based on their industry and role and providing tailored training programs that address specific needs. SAP also uses a combination of self-paced online courses and instructor-led sessions to ensure that users can access the level of support they need. For more details, visit SAP’s onboarding strategy.
  • Siemens: Siemens’ onboarding strategy focuses on providing tailored training and support, enhancing the user experience, and driving retention. To cater to different learning preferences, Siemens utilizes a blend of e-learning modules, hands-on workshops, and one-on-one coaching sessions. Siemens also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning by offering advanced training sessions and regular updates on new features. More information can be found here.
  • Schneider Electric: Schneider Electric uses a structured onboarding program to ensure customers fully understand and utilize their products, increasing loyalty and revenue. Their approach includes a comprehensive onboarding portal that provides access to various resources, including video tutorials, user manuals, and best practice guides. Schneider Electric also offers dedicated support teams to assist customers with any questions or issues they may encounter. Read more about their approach here.

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North America

  • Salesforce: Salesforce’s onboarding process includes personalized setups and continuous training, significantly boosting adoption rates and customer loyalty. Their strategy involves a detailed needs assessment to understand each customer’s requirements, followed by a customized onboarding plan. Salesforce also provides access to a wealth of resources, including online training modules, live webinars, and a community forum where users can share insights and ask questions. For further reading, check Salesforce’s onboarding case study.
  • ServiceNow: ServiceNow employs a continuous onboarding approach that engages users through regular updates and advanced training. They offer a range of onboarding options, from self-paced online courses to personalized training sessions led by expert instructors. ServiceNow also provides a dedicated customer success manager to guide users through onboarding and ensure they achieve their desired outcomes. Details can be found here.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot offers extensive onboarding resources, including a knowledge base and customer success programs, fostering long-term relationships and loyalty. Their approach includes a combination of self-service resources, such as video tutorials and how-to guides, and personalized support through dedicated onboarding specialists. HubSpot also offers regular check-ins and performance reviews to help customers stay on track and achieve their goals. Learn more about their methods here.


  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS): TCS uses a comprehensive onboarding strategy to ensure clients understand and effectively use their solutions, leading to higher retention and satisfaction. Their approach includes a detailed onboarding plan tailored to each client’s needs, focusing on providing hands-on training and continuous support. TCS also leverages advanced analytics to monitor user progress and identify areas for improvement. Detailed information is available here.
  • Samsung SDS: Samsung SDS (Samsung SDS provides cloud and digital logistics services) focuses on personalized onboarding experiences to enhance user engagement and drive adoption rates. They offer various onboarding services, including customized training programs, one-on-one coaching, and interactive workshops. Samsung SDS also uses data-driven insights to continuously refine its onboarding process and ensure it meets the evolving needs of its customers.
  • Infosys: Infosys employs a robust onboarding process that includes detailed training and continuous support, increasing customer success and loyalty. Their approach involves a combination of online learning modules, instructor-led training sessions, and ongoing support through a dedicated customer success team. Infosys also offers regular performance reviews and feedback sessions to help customers stay on track and achieve their goals. For more insights, visit Infosys onboarding solutions.

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In conclusion, onboarding is critical in shaping the overall customer experience and driving business success in the B2B software and services sector. A well-executed onboarding process enhances first impressions and drives adoption, boosts retention, builds loyalty, and generates revenue. By focusing on user needs, leveraging data, and continuously refining strategies, companies can ensure that their products and services provide exceptional value, leading to increased loyalty and sustainable growth. The examples of leading B2B companies from Europe, North America, and Asia illustrate the tangible benefits of effective onboarding in achieving these goals. For more detailed analysis and strategies, visit the respective links provided.

Until tech companies can design products that are inherently easy to adopt, customer success will remain crucial for driving adoption, understanding, loyalty, retention, and renewals. I hope this makes sense. What do you think?