Basis Technologies Reveals Insights On Cookieless World

Basis Technologies Reveals Insights On Cookieless World

Over 50% of marketers are not prepared to succeed in a cookieless World, Basis Technologies revealed.

Basis Technologies, a provider of programmatic advertising and media automation solutions, announced survey results showing that half of marketing professionals do not feel that their organization is prepared to succeed in a cookieless world. Furthermore, although 66% of those surveyed said their organizations have implemented new targeting or measuring solutions within the last year to respond to Google Chrome’s deprecation of third-party cookies in 2024, a majority marketers say they have no intention of using UID 2.0 (62.7%) nor digital fingerprinting (63.2%). Basis Technologies’ study was conducted in November 2023 by more than 200 respondents at agencies, brands and publishers. 

Ryan Manchee, SVP of brand marketing, Basis Technologies, said, “Marketers need to take action. The industry is approaching deadline time for a cookieless Chrome, and our survey shows that fewer than half of advertisers are ready for a cookieless world. It’s critical for holdouts to start testing and implementing new solutions immediately to ensure business continuity. Although brands and agencies may not have all the answers in-house, there are many peers and organizations in ad tech that can provide guidance for the next generation of customer targeting and measurement on digital channels.”

According to the insights, 88.2% of marketers and advertisers say they believe precise audience targeting and measurement is more important to their colleagues in the advertising industry than protecting consumer privacy. Popular cookieless alternatives that respondents will begin using in the next six months are Google’s Privacy Sandbox (38.7%), CDPs/identity resolution (26.5%), and data clean rooms (27.0%). While, half of the marketers are not prepared to succeed in a cookieless World. 

As Google marches on to eliminate third-party cookies in Chrome, brands, and agencies need strategies and techniques that overcome this challenge to audience targeting and campaign measurement. Basis Technologies’ survey provides insight into the current state and future trajectory of identity and privacy in marketing and advertising – illustrating how marketers have been navigating a cookieless advertising world and how they intend to move forward.