Content Detector Launches Humans or AI

Content Detector Launches Humans or AI

The purpose of the game was to study the Deep Fake image identification by the general audience, responses revealed only 2.9% of the 3380 participants correctly identified AI-generated images.

ContentDetector.AI recently launched a social game, “Human or AI” challenging the participants to differentiate between AI-generated human images and real human images. Among the 3380 participants, only 2.9% accurately identified all the five images and 12.5% of users correctly identified 4 out of 5 images.

“Deepfake images and videos have already proliferated into social media and it’s only going to become worse. We need advanced AI detection tools along with legal laws to watermark AI outputs to contain this,” Roop Reddy, Founder ContentDetector.AI, said. 

Participants were shown five images and needed to guess which ones are real and which are AI-generated within thirty seconds. The game signified the need of AI technology in identifying the difference between deepfake images and real images.