Electronic Express Selects RETISIO to Drive Ecommerce

Electronic Express Selects RETISIO to Drive Ecommerce

The move to RETISIO Commerce will deliver enhanced site performance and superior customer experiences for Electronic Express.

RETISIO, a provider of cloud-based ecommerce solutions, announced its new partnership with Electronic Express.

Electronic Express is pressing forward with an aggressive strategy to grow its ecommerce business. To support and drive this continued growth, they have selected RETISIO as their technology platform partner. A big reason for that decision was their need for the agility and robustness of RETISIO’s solutions.

The move to RETISIO Commerce will deliver enhanced site performance and superior customer experiences for Electronic Express. The platform’s advanced technology leverages RETISIO’s powerful Reactive and Composable Commerce capabilities.

“We value our partnership with Electronic Express and see extraordinary potential for growth by deploying RETISIO’s advanced eCommerce technologies,” said Sudhanshu Mohan, Co-Founder and CEO at RETISIO. “We are committed to building a great eCommerce success story together.”  

Electronic Express’s decision to transition to RETISIO Commerce represents a strategic move toward harnessing the power of modern technology to increase online sales. 

“We’re thrilled to begin our partnership with RETISIO for a revamped Electronic Express website. This collaboration underscores our commitment to innovation and delivering an enhanced digital experience for our customers. With RETISIO’s expertise, we’re creating a user-friendly platform that reflects our brand values and meets the evolving needs of our customers!” said Sam Yazdian, President and CEO, Electronic Express.

The switch to RETISIO paves the way for a feature-rich platform such as intelligent search, personalized recommendations, and precisely targeted promotions, all designed to drive conversions and enhance customer satisfaction.