Foundry Reveals Insights on Customer Engagement

Foundry Reveals Insights on Customer Engagement

Over 98% of ITDMs said they took additional actions after encountering technology solution advertisements, the research by Foundy unveiled.

 Foundry, an IDG, Inc. company, released its 10th annual Customer Engagement study which looks at the content preferences and effective engagement strategies that persuade IT decision-makers (ITDMs), providing a roadmap for technology vendors seeking to build impactful relationships with ITDMs.

The study delved into the technology purchase process, analyzing the types and volume of content consumed by IT buyers, as well as the effectiveness of technology ads. The research uncovered notable differences in content preferences among younger IT buyers, particularly Gen Z, compared to their older counterparts.

Holly McWalter, Marketing and Research Specialist at Foundry, said, “For over a decade, our Customer Engagement Study has revealed the evolving preferences of IT decision-makers in their selection of tech vendors. This year’s results underscore the importance of tailored approaches, particularly as the workplace undergoes increased stratification across age groups. These results serve as a valuable strategic guide for vendors aiming to elevate their marketing strategies in the dynamic tech landscape.”

The study shows that tech advertising is an effective force in marketing. Over 98% of ITDMs said they took additional actions after encountering technology solution advertisements, with the majority conducting further online research (51%). On an age basis, it’s worth noting that 30% of Millennials and 22% of Gen Zers interact with ads on social media platforms, a stark contrast to the more social-shy 9% of Boomers and 11% of Gen Xers.