Bridge, Don’t Divide: Navigating Generational Customer Differences

Bridge, Don't Divide: Navigating Generational Customer Differences

Discover how to navigate generational differences, balancing automation with human connection for 21st-century customer experiences.

Joseph Michelli, the CEO of The Michelli Experience, is a renowned expert in customer retention. With a background in clinical psychology, Michelli shares his unique perspective on transforming customer journeys through personalization. Michelli provides valuable insights into creating customer-obsessed cultures, from his early experiences in healthcare to collaborating with iconic brands like Starbucks, Ritz, and Zappos. 

He also delves into the evolving landscape of customer behavior across generations and offers practical advice for business leaders seeking to balance automation with human connection in customer interactions. This conversation is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to enhance their customer experiences in the 21st century.

Excerpts from the interview:

Tell us about your journey from clinical psychology to customer retention.

I had the good fortune of studying clinical psychology in the context of a system, which allowed me to gain insight into how family and organizational systems function. After completing graduate school, I began my career as a clinical psychologist. During this time, I gradually advanced within the healthcare system and became involved in organizational development, assisting multiple hospital systems in collaborating for a more seamless patient experience.

This experience sparked my keen interest in enhancing patient service, as it was referred to at the time. I delved into standardization techniques such as templates and similar approaches. Eventually, I transitioned out of healthcare due to other enticing opportunities. One notable experience was my involvement with the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington, where the unique practice of fish tossing became a significant part of their customer engagement. This journey was chronicled in my book When Fish Fly.

Subsequently, I had the privilege of working closely with other renowned brands, including Starbucks, which led to the publication of my first book, The Starbucks Experience. From there, my professional journey has been characterized by numerous consulting engagements, resulting in the authorship of several books detailing the experiences and insights gained from working with various clients.

Can first-party data help build a psychographic profile for brands to understand their customers better?

First-party data is incredibly valuable. It encompasses the information your customers provide, effectively inviting you to understand them better to enhance their overall experience.

You can glean some insights from their behavioral patterns; for others, it’s as simple as asking them directly. I’ve been actively engaged in various customer groups focused on journey mapping. After each session, we administer a questionnaire to delve into aspects such as their lifestyle, preferred sources of information, online activities, and the apps they use on their phones. These details are crucial for crafting comprehensive customer personas, ensuring you’re not solely reliant on demographic data but also generating your own.

While there are alternative methods to acquire this information, capturing what your customers do within their relationship with your brand and seeking their input is vital and empowering. It enables you to tailor distinct experiences based on these personas.

What can leading brands do when it comes to creating a customer-obsessed culture that others can learn from?

We’re all striving to create a customer experience encouraging them to return and refer their friends. The brands I write about are typically known for a few key aspects. Firstly, they excel in providing a world-class customer experience and in how they treat their employees.

These are usually brands that have effectively engaged their team members, who engage their customers. One can learn from their customer-centric approach, understanding that people generally want to do right by customers. While the occasional difficult customer interaction may momentarily affect their attitude, businesspeople typically aspire to more than just making profits.

They want to reflect on their careers and say they made a meaningful impact on people’s lives. They see themselves as part of communities, striving to uplift those around them. Obsessed brands communicate a vision for elevating their communities and making a positive difference that transcends simple transactions.

They believe there’s an opportunity for greatness in this place and are steadfastly committed to it. Thus, they consistently emphasize the company’s purpose. Furthermore, engaging employees in conversations about what they want their lives to stand for is crucial. What lasting impact do they aim to leave? How does aligning with our journey connect with their mission?

While consistently championing the organization’s mission, these exceptional brands also take the time to help individuals bridge the gap between their purpose and the organization’s mission. This is the crux of the matter.

They also recognize that while customer experience is pivotal, it can’t be everything and nothing all at once. To avoid dilution, they work to create a manageable framework addressing people, processes, and technology. They establish a rational approach to understanding and leveraging customer information while ensuring it remains at the forefront of team members’ minds.

They actively seek input from customers and team members, maintaining a constant feedback loop. By keeping it as straightforward as possible and focusing on a few critical areas, they effectively distinguish themselves as customer-obsessed brands, as opposed to those that merely pay lip service to the concept but lose sight of it amidst other concerns.

How do you see customer behavior changing across generations; what differentiates Gen Z’s worldview, and how does this impact buying decisions?

There are inevitably differences between generations, and paying attention to them is important. However, sometimes, we tend to overestimate these differences and inadvertently create divisions among people.

We need to study our customers, and generational factors are just one component of that. You’ll find individuals with very different motivations and value structures within any generation. When discussing gender differences, it’s crucial not to reinforce stereotypes.

I follow the research of a strong group out of Stanford that delves into generational disparities. From what we know, value-based issues are a significant part of the Gen Z worldview. They prefer engaging with companies that have a clear and active purpose.

I’ve noticed a more communal, practical, and collaborative mindset in this generation than before. As a general rule, Gen Z seems to navigate the digital world more easily, being digital natives. They seek smart technologies that enhance their quality of life, viewing them as tools. They are open to transitioning from one platform to another if better options arise.

While they still value human service, it doesn’t necessarily have to be at the forefront. However, it’s worth noting that there are exceptions for every trend we observe. I have kids who belong to Gen Z, and one of them is particularly invested in delivering exceptional human experiences.

The key takeaway is to truly understand your customers rather than merely categorizing them based on demographics. There are diverse life experiences within any generation, so it’s crucial to approach each individual with this in mind.

What skills should professions in customer-focused roles build as we move towards generative AI taking over more cognitive labor?

The first skill you must develop is a thorough understanding of the tool. AI is an incredible resource, and it’s crucial to comprehend its capabilities. It’s wise to harness the full potential of this tool for tasks it excels in, surpassing human capabilities. It’s equally vital to acknowledge that, in its current form, AI cannot entirely replace human input.

This tool is a potent force for personalization rather than establishing a personal connection. It allows me to understand you based on the data it processes, a level of insight I couldn’t achieve. It empowers me to handle extensive datasets about your behavior, which is impressive and invaluable. This enables me to discern your preferences.

I can also grasp how you responded to my service delivery and other occurrences in your life. This provides a significant advantage in tailoring and delivering service. It allows me to automate experiences that would otherwise be impractical. Moreover, it allows for removing human intervention in situations where its value is not fully recognized. However, it’s crucial to note that this technology could be more intuitive as of now. It requires human intuition.

Human creativity requires fresh, innovative solutions based on behavior patterns. It demands human warmth, smiles, genuine care, and the demonstration of real empathy and compassion. I think the critical factor is to excel in emotional intelligence and let artificial intelligence excel in what it does best—leveraging its capabilities in ways beyond our human capacity.

What advice would you give business leaders to balance automation with human connection regarding customer interactions?

I’ve been advocating for the concept of a 21st-century company long before the surge in AI technology. It’s about creating an organization that leverages technology while valuing the power of human interaction. Doing so ensures we have the right technological infrastructure for those who prefer minimal human contact.

While we do observe buyer journeys, particularly among Gen Z, that lean towards a fully digital experience, there’s still a significant portion, including people of my generation, who appreciate reducing human interactions. Therefore, we must accommodate both preferences.

It’s essential to optimize the entire process for seamless technological integration. Individuals seeking convenience should find a technologically-driven journey readily available. Additionally, I advocate for a high-touch experience for those willing to pay more for a deeper human connection.

This dual approach should be the foundation of your customer journey. Recognize that most customers will fall somewhere in between, shifting between technological and human touchpoints. It’s crucial to identify the pivotal moments and offer both options for your customers.

While this advice may seem straightforward, it’s important to acknowledge that its implementation is dynamic. Adapting to evolving technologies and the changing needs of your customer base is a continuous effort that requires refinement.