Mastering First-party Data in a Privacy-focused Era

Q&A with with Anthony Rotio, Chief Data Strategy Officer at GrowthLoop

Explore how GrowthLoop, under the guidance of Anthony Rotio, is pioneering the transition to first-party data, enhancing customer segmentation, and addressing data privacy challenges in an insightful interview. Discover their innovative strategies for a cookie-less future.

In an era when data privacy concerns and the phasing out of third-party cookies are reshaping the marketing landscape, GrowthLoop stands at the forefront of this transformation. Anthony Rotio, GrowthLoop‘s Chief Data Strategy Officer, sheds light on how the company is navigating these changes and leveraging first-party data to empower its clients. With a strategic focus on expanding support for various marketing channels and platforms, GrowthLoop is redefining customer segmentation and journey creation.

Rotio discusses the challenges companies face when transitioning to first-party data and how GrowthLoop’s innovative solutions, such as the Easy Button and Marve, the AI audience builder, are addressing these hurdles. He also delves into the future of data strategy, emphasizing better data stewardship and the increasing power of the customer in the digital age.

Join us as we explore the insights and strategic approaches guiding GrowthLoop and its clients toward a more secure, personalized, and effective marketing future.

Excerpts from the interview; 

With the industry moving away from third-party data, how is GrowthLoop adapting its strategies to maintain effective customer segmentation?

While the industry may broadly feel this shift happening now, GrowthLoop has been helping large enterprises like Google and Indeed with customer segmentation using first-party data for many years. More organizations are increasingly interested in using first-party data to create audiences and journeys for marketing destinations that previously relied on cookie targeting. 

In response to this trend, GrowthLoop is expanding the number of destinations we support to include more channels and platforms that have historically been more tied to third-party data. By adding destinations such as Google DV360, Facebook Ads (including CAPI), Google Ads (including Enhanced Conversions), The Trade Desk, and others, we enable our clients to leverage their first-party data more effectively, utilizing precise and impactful customer segmentation and retargeting audiences from owned channels like Salesforce and email platforms. 

This strategic adoption aligns with the evolving data privacy landscape and empowers our clients to build deeper, more personalized customer relationships through cohesive cross-channel conversations.

How has the shift towards first-party data collection influenced GrowthLoop’s data strategy and product development approach?

The shift towards first-party data collection has significantly influenced GrowthLoop’s data strategy and product development approach. With more data being brought into the data cloud and more business users accessing this data for the first time, our primary goal is to ensure users have visibility to the right data in a marketer-friendly UX. To achieve this, we have implemented robust data governance controls that allow data owners to determine which data sets and tables are ready for business users to activate without sacrificing time-to-value. 

We have a composable, zero-copy architecture, which, for business users, means that GrowthLoop connects to your first-party data directly in your data cloud without moving it into a CDP or marketing cloud. That means your customer data is safe and secure, and our business users can connect with you and drive value quickly. 

We have introduced Marve, our generative AI audience builder, to further enhance our offerings. Marve proactively provides recommended audiences and shareable templates across teams, making it easier for users to build and utilize audience segments efficiently. Enterprises typically have a wealth of first-party data, and the marketing teams may not know about all of it or how to use it effectively, so this is a great AI application where you can translate business objectives directly into relevant audience lists using the connected first-party data. 

We also offer the first customer journey builder on the modern data stack. This fully composable solution can be integrated into existing marketing suites, enabling marketers to create and manage cross-channel customer journeys seamlessly from a single pane of glass across all of their marketing channels. This tool gives marketers the best customer data, ensuring they deliver highly personalized and effective marketing campaigns. 

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What are companies’ biggest challenges when transitioning to first-party data, and how is GrowthLoop addressing these challenges?

Transitioning to first-party data presents several challenges, but GrowthLoop addresses these effectively with innovative solutions.

One primary challenge is consolidating and centralizing data to break down silos. Many marketing teams operate with fragmented data, making creating a unified customer view difficult. GrowthLoop’s Easy Button addresses this by enabling organizations to leverage the data cloud for marketing, even if their data isn’t currently in the cloud. 

Our Easy Button allows businesses to connect various sources, ingesting data like contacts, transactions, and website events to their data environment. After ingestion, users can build audiences using Marve, our AI audience builder, or from scratch, explore real-time insights, and activate these audiences with A/B tests across platforms like Google Ads and Salesforce.

Another challenge is trying to do too much at the start, leading to overwhelming scope and project delays. We recommend starting with three achievable use cases leveraging existing data. Businesses can use our identity resolution services to create a single customer view by resolving who’s who from various data sources to stitch together a single unified view of the customer. 

Data privacy and compliance are also critical. Our solution adheres to regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring businesses protect customer privacy and meet compliance standards. 

How does GrowthLoop ensure the accuracy and relevance of customer insights derived from first-party data?

GrowthLoop ensures the accuracy and relevance of customer insights derived from first-party data through several key methodologies: 

  1. Data Refresh: We show the user refresh dates on underlying data sets, ensuring users have confidence in the accuracy and timeliness of the data they are working with. This practice maintains the reliability of customer insights and builds trust across the data and business teams.
  2. Overlap Analysis: As users build their audience, they can see overlap analysis, which helps identify if they are targeting the same audience as another team member. This feature ensures that marketing efforts are not duplicated and resources are used efficiently. 

What future trends do you foresee in data strategy, particularly about privacy regulations and data ownership?

In the evolving landscape of data strategy, several trends are emerging, particularly concerning privacy regulations and data ownership. At GrowthLoop, we anticipate:

  1. Better data stewardship: Enterprises will continue to take charge of their customer data and be held to a higher standard by their customers. Minimal copies are going into external tools, there are fewer black boxes, and there is a faster expected time-to-mutual value for data that customers expect enterprises to know about.
  2. Power to the customer: As AI agents become stronger, expect every customer to have a digital personal assistant checking their inboxes for them across all surfaces. Enterprises relying on stale or irrelevant third-party data will likely be filtered out by default.

What advice would you give marketers leveraging first-party data effectively in their campaigns?

To leverage first-party data effectively in your campaigns, I recommend the following:

  1. Collaborate with the data team. Start the conversation at the leadership level to ensure alignment and support. Early on, engaging with your data team can provide valuable insights and technical expertise. 
  2. Create a culture that prioritizes breaking down data silos. Leverage the data cloud as a universal layer to ensure all relevant data is accessible and integrated. 
  3. Share insights. Regularly share insights with other channel marketers on your team. This collaboration ensures everyone benefits from collective learning and can optimize their strategies accordingly. 

Also Read: Personalization at Scale: How CDPs are Changing the Marketing Game

How has the increasing focus on data privacy impacted your strategic approach at GrowthLoop?

At GrowthLoop, the increased focus on data privacy has reinforced our strategic commitment to safeguarding customer data through our composable CDP. We’ve prioritized data privacy from the beginning with features like query-in-place architecture, robust data governance, and ensuring data stays within the warehouse

Our composable CDP, built on top of cloud data warehouses like Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Databricks, and Amazon Redshift, centralizes company-wide customer data, allowing teams across the organization to access, analyze, and activate it securely. This approach enhances data privacy by avoiding unnecessary data transfers and controlling sensitive information. 

Our composable CDP provides marketers a no-code interface to create and activate audiences directly from the data warehouse. This setup supports compliance with data privacy regulations, offering a secure and efficient way to manage customer data across various marketing channels without creating separate data instances for each tool.