SmartMedia Technologies Launches Gamified Giveaways to Reinvent Sweepstakes

SmartMedia Technologies Launches Gamified Giveaways to Reinvent Sweepstakes

SmartMedia Technologies launches Gamified Giveaways, a new solution for sports teams to engage fans beyond one-off sweepstakes. This platform uses gamification to boost fan loyalty and generate valuable data for personalized marketing.

SmartMedia Technologies (SMT) announced the expansion of its product suite with the addition of Gamified Giveaways, a smarter sweepstakes to engage users beyond acquisition to ignite fandom and loyalty. The new offering is designed to help brands transition from traditional one-off promotions to always-on solutions that drive increased lifetime customer value, engagement, and revenue.

Already leveraged by leading sports brands across the globe, the solution harnesses first and zero-party data to provide more personalized and engaging sponsored giveaways. Unlike conventional sweepstakes, where participants only receive an email, the gamified method encourages and incentivizes valuable engagement behaviors and two-way communication with fans. Fans can accumulate entries and points with long-term value, leading to rewards that drive re-engagement and loyalty, allowing brands to drive greater returns on their sports sponsorship deals.

“Gamified experiences are a pivotal strategy for sports franchises, offering more than just an avenue to engage fans by providing measurable insights and amplifying sponsorship value,” said Tyler Moebius, CEO and co-founder of SMT. “SMT’s Gamified Giveaways solution is redefining the value exchange between fans and franchises by enhancing engagement and using that engagement to deliver personalized offers through an embedded marketplace within mobile apps. Our innovative technology is proven to elevate the fan experience and unlock new revenue potential for teams, leading to deeper fan connections and a greater sense of community.”

“The adoption of SMT’s Gamified Giveaways signifies a shift in the approach sports organizations are taking to connect with their fanbases. Consumer engagement is not just about one-off sweepstakes anymore; it’s about establishing a continuous, immersive experience beyond fleeting promotions,” said Andrew Cohen, SVP of Oak View Group. “This always-on engagement model not only amplifies the sponsorship potential for teams but also cultivates deeper fan loyalty while providing invaluable insights– in short, a new, more robust CRM channel.”

While traditional sweepstakes have users complete one action of submitting their email address, SMT’s Gamified Giveaway has nearly every user (99%) complete multiple actions, from watching videos to completing surveys, leading to 2.3x the business value compared to traditional sweepstakes. SMT’s platform enhances client CRM systems with rich first-party and zero-party data, enabling personalized engagement without relying on cookies. From user actions such as video views and direct results from user surveys, SMT can collect valuable insights through voluntary measures, empowering users to maintain control over their data. Clients can leverage this data through email, omnichannel DSP techniques, or the SMT network.

Also Read: Mastering First-Party Data in a Privacy-focused Era

Moebius concluded, “By aligning their strategies to provide a personalized customer experience, sports franchises, including leagues, teams, and sponsors, can explore the concept of “always-on” fan acquisition and engagement, redefining the exchange of value between teams, fans, and sponsors through groundbreaking technology. SMT’s Gamified Giveaways allow them to do just that.”